Kiama Dentures & Mouthguards provides a complete denture service, starting from our patients being fully informed of all their options, right through to looking after their dentures.
We pride ourselves on providing patients with quality dentures that not only fit well but also look attractive and individual.
Constructing a denture is an art that requires patience, precision and experience.
Greg has over 25 years experience in making dentures.
You will deal with Greg throughout every step of the denture process. With Greg’s many years of experience and knowledge, combined with quality materials he is a professional in his field.

Greg Shanahan, Prosthetist
25+ years experience
What is a Dental Prosthetist?
A Dental Prosthetist is a highly qualified and skilled member of the Dental Profession who deals only with the making of dentures and mouthguards. Your Dental Prosthetist will construct, fit and supply full or partial dentures and will provide a complete and professional denture service.
By direct consultation your Dental Prosthetist will not only construct your dentures, but will also maintain, repair and reline dentures as required by you the patient, or your referring practitioner.
We will personally consult, advise and assist you in all relevant aspects of your treatment, and where necessary provide referrals to other members of the Dental Profession. No work is sent overseas.
A referral from a Dentist is not necessary when visiting a Prosthetist.
We provide dentures for patients with Veterans Affairs cards and Area Health vouchers, as well as using hicaps to claim directly from your health fund.